The Rollins College Parking Appeals Committee, which is comprised of students and members of the Campus Safety Department, views appeals 3 times a week during the Fall and Spring terms, with the exception of finals week and holiday periods. Students will receive written notification of the decision within five to ten business days via e-mail.

Any student who believes his or her vehicle has been ticketed on the basis of error or without cause may appeal. All appeals must be made within 14 calendar days of the date appearing on the citation. Appeals can be made using the online traffic appeal form. Failure to submit an appeal within the 14 calendar days forfeits your right to appeal the citation.

During the summer, the shift supervisors in Campus Safety act as the appeals committee and will review all appeals. Students wishing to appeal tickets may use the online traffic appeal form.

The decision of the Rollins College Parking Appeals Committee and/ or the Director of Campus Safety is final and binding.

**Immobilization citations cannot be appealed**