All motor vehicles operated by students, faculty, staff, and visitors must be registered with the Rollins College Department of Campus Safety.


Visitor parking permits are required upon arrival on campus – they can be obtained by either visiting the Campus Safety office or by calling (407) 646-2999 - and may only park in designated visitor spaces.

Guests of students may pick up a decal upon arrival on campus, which will allow them the same parking privilege as that student. Guests must be accompanied by the student, and decals cannot be issued for longer than 14 days at a time. These decals will cost $5.00 and guests will be held accountable for any parking citations they may receive.

Vendors and service providers will be issued a vendor decal that will not exceed a six-month period, free of charge. Vendors and service providers are expected to follow all traffic and parking guidelines. Failure to do so may result in the revocation of your parking privileges.

General Regulations and Restrictions

The person who registers the vehicle on campus is held accountable for any violation involving the vehicle. The owner is also responsible for any violations incurred by other drivers of the registered vehicle.

Boats, boat trailers, personal golf carts, utility trailers, and recreational vehicles may not be parked on campus, including the parking garage, at any time without the prior approval of the Department of Campus Safety.

Rollins College assumes no liability for damage to, or theft of any vehicle or its’ contents, or for the injury or death of anyone involved in a vehicular accident while on college property. Rollins College will not be held liable for damage to vehicles as a consequence of any natural disaster or “Act of God”, including but not limited to falling trees, tree limbs, utility poles, signs, etc.

The maximum speed limit on campus is 15 miles per hour. However, road conditions, weather, and time of day may reduce the safe operating speed.

Special events and activities may require special regulations. Follow appropriate signage and communication regarding restrictions relevant to special events.

A vehicle may be parked and/ or operated on college property only in areas identified on the campus map and/ or marked by signs, street markings, parking regulations, or other designations that indicate parking and/ or operating is permitted.

It is the driver’s responsibility to find a legal parking space. Lack of an approved or convenient space is not a valid excuse for violating parking regulations.

In the event of mechanical failure, the driver of the vehicle must: Drive or push the vehicle to the nearest legal parking space and immediately notify Campus Safety. Under no circumstance should a vehicle with a mechanical problem be left blocking a street, driveway, handicap space, or be left in a fire lane. If the vehicle cannot be moved, it may be towed at the owner’s expense.