Honor Code Violations
Violation Definitions
- PLAGIARISM. Offering the words, facts, or ideas of another person as your own in any academic exercise.
- CHEATING. Using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, or study aids in an academic exercise. This includes sharing knowledge of previously administered or current tests. The keeping of tests, papers, and other assignments belonging to former students is prohibited. Use of external assistance (e.g., books, notes, calculators, conversations with others) in completing an "in class" or "take home" examination, unless specifically authorized by the instructor, is prohibited.
- UNAUTHORIZED COLLABORATION. Collaboration, without specific authorization by the instructor, on homework assignments, lab reports, exam preparations, research projects, take home exams, essays, or other work for which you will receive academic credit.
- SUBMISSION OF WORK PREPARED FOR ANOTHER COURSE. Resubmitting previous work, in whole or in part, for a current assignment without the consent of the current instructor(s).
- FABRICATION. Misrepresenting, mishandling, or falsifying information in an academic exercise. For example, creating false information for a bibliography, inventing data for a laboratory assignment, or representing a quotation from a secondary source (such as a book review or a textbook) as if it were a primary source.
- FACILITATING ACADEMIC DISHONESTY. Helping another student commit an act of academic dishonesty.
- VIOLATION OF TESTING CONDITIONS. Looking at other students’ answers, allowing other students to look at your test, and working past allotted time are just a few examples where test conditions may be considered to be violated.
- LYING. Lying is the making of a statement that one knows to be false with the intent to deceive. It includes actions such as (a) lying to faculty, administrators, or staff, and (b) lying to a member of the Honor Council.
- FAILURE TO REPORT AN HONOR CODE VIOLATION. Failure to report occurs when a student has knowledge of or is witness to an act in violation of the Academic Honor Code and does not report it within ten class days.
Reporting a Violation
Because academic integrity is fundamental to the pursuit of knowledge and truth and is the heart of the academic life of Rollins College, it is the responsibility of all members of the College community to practice it and to report apparent violations. All students, faculty, and staff are required to report violations in writing to the Academic Honor Council for disposition. Referrals will be made through the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts' office.
- If a faculty member has reason to believe that a violation of the Academic Honor Code has occurred, he/she may have an initial meeting with the student to determine if a violation has occurred. If the faculty member believes that a violation has occurred he/she is required to report it. This initial meeting is to clarify if a violation has occurred and not to determine if a known violation is to be reported.
- If a student has reason to believe that a violation of academic integrity has occurred, he/she is required to report it to the Academic Honor Council. The student that has witnessed a violation can, but is not required to, encourage the student suspected of the violation to self-report. If the student refuses to self-report, then the student that witnessed the violation must report it to the Academic Honor Council.
- Staff members that believe they have witnessed a violation must refer the case to the Honor Council for disposition. Complaints must be made in writing and filed through the Office of the Dean of the Faculty. These complaints are then forwarded to the Academic Honor Council. Allegations must be submitted in writing within ten days of the discovery of the alleged violation. Complaints against graduating seniors must be submitted by the date senior grades are due to allow time for an investigation before graduation. The complaint should indicate all relevant details, including names of witnesses and must be signed. Submissions may also be made online.
Disposition of Cases
Reports of violations may be resolved through Self-Referral, or by informal or formal Resolution through the Academic Honor Council. It is possible to consider Academic Honor Code charges other than those listed in the referral that are based upon the facts of the case. A student accused of an honor violation may not withdraw or exercise the late credit/no credit option from the applicable course once the referral has been made. Any pending or emerging honor code violation will be adjudicated to its completion regardless of whether the student remains in good standing, has withdrawn, is on leave, suspended or dismissed from the College.
Students who commit acts of academic dishonesty may demonstrate their renewed commitment to academic integrity by reporting themselves in writing to the Chair of the Honor Council before someone else has reported the violation. Students may not exercise the self-referral option more than once during their enrollment at the College.
- If a student self-reports, then the student will not be charged with academic dishonesty. Instead, the Academic Honor Council will notify the Dean of the Faculty or a designee and the faculty member involved. The Dean or designee shall then convene a conference between the student and the faculty member. The purpose of this conference will be to ensure that the self-referral provisions of this Code are followed and to levy a sanction. The Dean (or designee) will notify the Academic Honor Council in writing of the outcome of the conference.
- In all cases where a student self-reports, the student will be required to successfully complete the non-credit integrity seminar offered by the Academic Honor Council. The faculty member has the discretion to reduce the student’s grade for the academic exercise, failing grade on the assignment, a zero on the assignment, a grade reduction in the course in which in violation occurred, or a failing grade in the course. The “HF” designation, however, will not apply. The student will be placed on Academic Honors Probation.