These guidelines assist the Rollins community in furthering its mission of internationalization through hosting international visitors here for research, teaching, or a combination. International scholars contribute greatly to the Rollins College mission.

The Office of International Student & Scholar Services (OISSS) is a resource and partner in the process. Specific processes are the responsibility of the sponsoring department. However, OISSS is available for guidance.

These guidelines are for bringing an international short-term scholar, research scholar, or professor to Rollins for a short-term, non-tenure track appointment. If bringing a visitor for a single lecture or two and that visitor is able to secure a B1 visitor for business visa, these guidelines do not need to be followed; however there are some suggestions that could be used for all international visitors to campus. To determine the appropriate visa for a visitor, consult with Human Resources (HR) and the Office of International Student & Scholar Services (OISSS).

Sponsoring Department Role

  • Prepare proposal for visitor
  • Collect evidence of visitor’s English proficiency; Departments can use the following tools:
    • a recognized English language test (TOEFL, IELTS, or Duolingo score report)
    • a signed document from an academic institution or English language school
    • a documented interview conducted by the sponsoring department either in person or by videoconferencing (or by telephone if is videoconferencing is not available)
  • Submit DS-2019 Request Form A to OISSS
  • Request scholar submit DS-2019 Request Form B to OISSS
  • Prepare invitation letter for visitor
  • Inquire and follow procedures for college housing, if available
  • Inform college’s Tax Compliance officer about visitor
  • Arrange office space, computer, faculty orientation
  • Airport pickup, if provided
  • Work with OISSS to ensure compliance with immigration and health insurance requirements

Office of International Student & Scholar Services Role

  • Review proposal from department to advise on appropriate immigration status
  • Review DS-2019 Request Forms A&B submitted by department and visitor
  • Prepare and issue Form DS-2019 through SEVIS (Immigration database)
  • Send Form DS-2019 and pre-arrival information to visitor
  • Provide orientation on immigration status and responsibilities, obtaining an SSN, driver’s license, community resources, healthcare and health insurance, etc.
  • Provide cross-cultural activities
  • Report required information to Immigration

Residential Property Management Department Role

  • Coordinate rental agreement with Visitor and Academic Department
  • Provide guidelines on use of college housing for international visitors
  • Provide Housing Orientation – basic information about space – phone, garbage disposal, etc.
  • Determine if college housing for international visitors might include a bicycle

To be completed at least 3 months prior to intended arrival date of visitor.

1. Proposal

Department prepares a proposal of the visitor’s activity during their stay. This proposal needs to include a description of the activity (research, lecture, or teaching) and the cultural goals and components of the program. If visitor will engage in more than one activity, proposal should note the primary activity. Include start and end dates of the proposed activity and confirmation that this is a non-tenure track appointment.

2. Submit Proposal

Submit to the Office of International Student & Scholar Services (OISSS, Box 2780 or for assessment of which non-immigrant status is appropriate.

3. Letter of Invitation

Department prepares an invitation letter for visitor; letter should include dates of visitor’s stay, nature of activity (research, teaching, combination), the academic subject matter, Rollins address, job duties, number of work hours, and any remuneration (compensation, benefits, and deductions) to be provided, if applicable.

If more than one department or program is inviting the visitor (CLA and Holt, for example.), an invitation from each department should be prepared. Email invitation letter to scholar. Send hardcopy invitation letter to OISSS (Box 2780) to be enclosed with the immigration form, Form DS-2019 that OISSS will issue and mail via courier service.

4. English Language Proficiency

International visitors are required to provide proof that their English language proficiency is sufficient to function on a day-to-day basis, outside of the direct activity of the exchange. Departments will need to determine if the scholar is proficient in English to meet these standards. Use one of the following methods to document the scholar’s proficiency:
• a recognized English language test (TOEFL or IELTS score report)
• a signed document from an academic institution or English language school
• a documented interview conducted by the sponsoring department either inperson or by videoconferencing (or by telephone if is videoconferencing is not available)

Attach documentation of English language proficiency to DS-2019 Request Form A.

5. Prepare DS-2019 Request Forms A & B

If OISSS determines the J-1 exchange visitor visa is appropriate, the department should complete the DS-2019 Request Form A and request the international visitor complete the DS-2019 Request Form B. Submit both forms to OISSS at least 2-3 months prior to the scholar’s intended arrival to ensure the visitor can obtain the J-1 non-immigrant visa in time to arrive in the U.S. by program start date. Please note that visa-processing times vary by consular post.

In preparing DS-2019 Request Forms A & B, both department and visitor must review required funding and submit evidence that said funds are available. If the visitor will receive a salary or stipend from Rollins, include this on Form A. If this amount is not sufficient to fund the anticipated living expenses as required, the visitor will have to provide personal financial documentation to prove they can support themselves.

Forms A & B are available on the OISSS webpage under International Scholars.

6. Housing

Department inquires and confirms availability of college housing or advises visitor of offcampus housing options. Residential Property Management office will advise on process for rental agreement.

To be completed in time for arrival date of visitor:

7. Tax Compliance

Department notifies Rollins Tax Compliance Office, if visitor is to be remunerated. If visitor is paid a salary, stipend, or provided housing by Rollins, the Tax Compliance Office should be informed of the visitor’s arrival and details of the remuneration. A review of the visitor’s tax liability will be completed before any payment is provided.

8. Office Space | Computer

If office space and/or a computer will be provided to the visitor, appropriate arrangements should be made and communicated to the international visitor prior to arrival on campus. We recommend that visitors, if staying for more than 1-2 weeks, be provided a space on campus. This assists in the visitor feeling a part of the community and better able to engage with it.

9. Airport Pickup

Department decides if an airport pickup will be provided; OISSS does not provide this. If providing this, department should clarify arrival dates, times, and flight information directly with visitor. If not providing this, department should clarify that with the scholar so that the scholar can make arrangements.

10. Staff / Visitor Human Resources Record

Each visitor will need a staff record so that an R-card can be issued. OISSS will request Human Resources create a record.

11. Faculty Orientation

If the visitor is teaching, the academic department or program office should arrange with the appropriate dean’s office for a faculty orientation.

Important Requirements to be monitored during visitor’s stay:

  • The visitor, by law, must be participating in the activity for the duration of the start and end dates as indicated on DS-2019 Request Form A. The department should communicate to the OISSS if the visitor fails to continue to participate in the activity for which their J-1 non-immigrant sponsorship is provided.
  • Immigration requires that all J-1 non-immigrant visa holders have adequate health insurance coverage that meets Department of State requirements. Visitors will have to show proof of purchase of such a policy, if not provided by Rollins as part of their employment benefits. If the visitor will have health insurance through Rollins employee benefits, the visitor will have to supplement the plan with a rider for medical evacuation and repatriation benefits. OISSS will provide the visitor with this information and some options for purchasing short-term insurance, if the visitor does not have adequate coverage from home.

Office of International Student & Scholar Services Responsibilities:

  • OISSS will review the proposal submitted by the department and determine which non-immigrant visa category is appropriate. OISSS will advise the department accordingly.
  • If J-1 exchange visitor visa is recommended, the visitor will need the immigration form, Form DS-2019, issued by OISSS to apply for the visa.
  • Once DS-2019 Request Forms A & B, along with appropriate financial documents, are received by OISSS and approved, the Form DS-2019 will be issued and mailed to the visitor via courier service. The visitor will a link to the International Scholar’s GoTo Guide, information on the DOS health insurance requirements and the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) fee payment options. The information on the OISSS website includes: obtaining a visa, planning their arrival, immigration regulations, health insurance requirements, and practical information such as climate, shipping information, Social Security Numbers, driver’s licenses, getting to campus from the airport, etc.
  • The visitor is required to contact OISSS upon arriving at Rollins to arrange an orientation. The orientation that OISSS provides includes a review of their immigration documents, status and responsibilities, Social Security Number, driver’s license, cell phone, R-card, banking, public transportation, tax obligations, health insurance, museums, restaurants & entertainment in Central Florida and beyond.
  • OISSS does not provide transportation for applying for a SSN, driver’s license, shopping, etc. Visitors may use the information provided to make their own arrangements.

Scholar Responsibilities:

  • Scholar must work directly with the sponsoring department to determine the activities expected of the scholar– teaching, research, deadlines, etc.
  • Scholar must participate in a scholar orientation with the OISSS.
  • Scholar must comply with the health insurance requirements of the Dept. of State.
  • Scholar must report and keep updated their U.S. living address, telephone, and email address with OISSS.
  • Scholar must check-in with the OISSS each academic term to provide an update of the activities they are participating in; with confirmation from their sponsoring department.
  • If traveling outside the U.S. during their program, scholars must obtain a signature on their Form DS-2019 in order to reenter the U.S. in J-1 status.
  • If applicable, scholars are advised of the 2-year home residency requirement they may be subject to by the U.S. Department of State at the time their J-1 visa is granted. Scholars may be subject to this requirement if sponsored by a government or pursuing knowledge in a field on the Skills List. This list is a set of skills for which countries determine they have a need. Thus, they require their citizens obtaining these skills to return to their home country after their J-1 program for 2 years. There are options for waiving this requirement. Scholars should discuss their options with the OISSS.