The Student Outreach & Resource Center serves as a safe setting to receive and listen to student concerns related to navigating college life. Our office is a resource for students, faculty, staff, and families to ensure students are supported for their holistic wellbeing and academic success. Our Center follows the Nine Dimensions of Wellness model when working with students, in which we holistically focus on their physical, emotional, social, occupational, creative, intellectual, spiritual, environmental, and financial wellbeing.

The Student Outreach & Resource Center is not counseling, therapy or academic advising. Our staff help students develop resiliency and promote independence through problem solving and self-advocacy.

Refer A Student Of Concern Refer A Student Of Concern

Services Provided

  • Holistic support for students as they transition and adjust to Rollins.
  • Connect students with on-campus resources to support their needs.
  • Collaborate with faculty, staff, families, and other campus partners to identify how best to support a student’s success and wellbeing.
  • Partner with the Rollins campus community to identify and advocate against systemic barriers to student success and well-being.
  • Assist students with navigating difficult conversations with professors, peers, family and friends.
  • Manage and respond to all student of concern referrals.
  • Assist students with medical/personal leaves and withdraws.

When You Should Share A Student Concern

  • Student makes direct statements of distress “I’m really struggling” “I’m very overwhelmed.”
  • Loss of family member or friend.
  • Difficulty adjusting to college life.
  • Housing and food insecurity.
  • Other financial challenges.
  • Expressions of self-harm or suicide.
  • Excessively demanding or dependent behavior.
  • Problems in daily functioning (missing class, change in appetite or sleep, change in appearance, hygiene, or general demeanor).

Share A Concern About A Student

Submit a Student of Concern Referral

Call our office at 407-646-2345

Email your concern to