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Supported by a gift from the Harold Alfond Foundation, the Alfond Scholars Programs annually awards up to 10 full scholarships—including tuition, double room, and an unlimited meal plan—to entering first-year students in the College of Liberal Arts at Rollins College with the desire and commitment to pursue additional prestigious recognition such as Rhodes, Goldwater, or Truman scholarships during their undergraduate years.

Scholarship totals include federal and state awards for which a student might already be eligible. Alfond Scholarships are renewable for three additional years, bringing the value of each scholarship to more than $280,000 over four years.

Alfond Scholars join an exceptional group of Rollins students who are mentored as candidates for intellectual academic recognition and other prestigious awards.

Opportunities & Obligations

  • Participation and completion of Rollins Honors Degree Program
  • Mentoring by Rollins Office of External and Competitive Scholarships and the Associate Dean of Advising
  • Enrollment in the Intersession Service Immersion course during the first year
  • Participation in at least one off-campus experience such as Washington Semester or study abroad during the first three years
  • Maintaining 3.33 GPA
  • Living on campus for four years

Selection Process

Scholarship finalists are selected from the College of Liberal Arts applicant pool. Students who apply Early Decision I or Early Action and submit all application materials by the November 15 deadline are considered for Alfond Scholarships on the basis of their overall academic record. Qualifying applicants typically have SATs higher than 1450 (Evidence Based Reading and Math) or ACTs higher than 32 (Composite) and GPAs higher than 3.8. Both test-optional and international students are considered, as well. Strength of high school curriculum and extracurricular involvement are also important factors in our holistic review process.

Scholarship recipients will be identified from the fall applicant pool on the basis of strength of selection criteria. A select number of qualified applicants will be invited to participate in a virtual interview process with Rollins faculty, staff and current students. The virtual process will also consist of a panel which will introduce students to the extraordinary benefits of being a scholar at Rollins. Students considered for the Alfond scholarship may also be considered for additional awards and recognitions, such as increased Dean’s Scholarships, Donald Cram Scholarship (awarded to science majors), and the Honors Degree Program.

Key Dates

November 15
Complete Application for Admission to Rollins College including application, SAT and/or ACT test scores, school transcript, personal statement or essay, secondary school report, and counselor recommendation must be on file. To be considered, you must apply either Early Decision I or Early Action.

Late December
Alfond Scholarship finalists identified from applicant pool; Scholars Weekend invitations mailed to students invited to participate in the on-campus selection process

Late February
Virtual interview process, where finalists compete for Alfond Scholarships, increased Dean’s Scholarships, Cram Scholarships, and invitations to the Honors Degree Program

Mid March
Alfond Scholarship Recipients notified

May 1
National Candidate Reply Date; admission deposit required

A picture of the Rollins campus.

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