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The program partners with nonprofit organizations in multiple issue areas, including education, the environment, hunger and homelessness, healthcare, youth with disabilities, and many more. Partners serve as co-educators in community engagement.

Community Partner Guidelines: We see your role as co-educator and facilitator of an effective relationship between your organization and a Rollins Bonner Leader. It is highly recommended that someone from your staff be assigned to the student as a manager and mentor. Your Bonner site supervisor will work with the students in creating a Community Learning Agreement and will sign off on hour logs. It’s preferred that the site supervisor be present for the majority of the time that the student is on-site with your organization.

Community Learning Agreement: This a thoughtful way for Rollins Bonner Leaders to consider their own developmental goals in collaboration with the goals of the organization. Bonner Leaders are expected to develop new knowledge and skills related to their service work over their four years at Rollins and apply what they are learning at their partner sites. The agreement is at the core of the partnership, enabling students and service sites to achieve mutually valuable goals.

Hour Logs: Hours are logged through GivePulse that the student imputs each time they complete a shift at their site. The site supervisors will be able to approve the Bonners hours through their profile on GivePulse as well as our staff. If you are a community partner, please reach out about getting set up on GivePulse.

For more information about becoming a Bonner community partner, please contact Rollins Bonner Program Director, Victoria Teske,