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Religious and Spiritual Life at Rollins is valued across a wide spectrum of faiths, spiritual traditions, and expressions.

The campus fosters an open and inclusive climate while supporting all faith and spiritual journeys.

Rollins' Dean of Religious and Spiritual Life works with a wide variety of spiritual communities to best provide for the needs of our diverse campus. There is religious-specific programming, interfaith dialogue, and educational opportunities to delve into ethical, religious, philosophical, and spiritual subjects at Rollins.

Knowles Memorial Chapel on Rollins College campus

Knowles Memorial Chapel

The Knowles Memorial Chapel and its services represent Rollins' unique heritage and adventurous founding. From morning until late at night, the chapel provides a place of meeting, a place of quiet, and a visible reminder of the relationship between the religious life and the academic search for truth. A nondenominational Christian Worship Service occurs every Wednesday at noon (12 p.m.) during the academic year.

The chapel also houses the campus' interfaith room, which is open to everyone.

Visit the Chapel's Site Visit the Chapel's Site

Registered Student Religious and Spiritual Groups:

Find more information on how to participate in these group's activities through MyRollins and GetInvolved.

  • Cru (Christian)
  • Every Nation Campus (Christian)
  • Fellowship of Christian Athletes (Christian)
  • Hillel (Jewish)
  • InterVarsity Christian Fellowship (IV) (Christian)
  • Muslim Student Union (MSU)
  • Rollins Catholic Campus Ministry (RCCM)
Knowles Memorial Chapel exterior

Rollins Religious Observances Calendar

Your reference to the religious observances at Rollins College.
