Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment and Misconduct Reporting Form

All College staff and faculty (except those designated as a confidential resource) who receive a report of sexual misconduct or harassment are required to elevate the report.

This form should be used to report any incident involving an alleged violation of the Rollins College Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment and Related Misconduct Policy, which includes sexual or gender-based harassment, sexual assault, interpersonal violence, stalking, and other forms of sexual and gender-based misconduct or discrimination.

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Immediate Help

Students who have experienced sexual misconduct should consider getting immediate help.

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The College encourages students who have experienced sexual misconduct and harassment to file a report with the College. You have the right to have incidents of sexual misconduct taken seriously, and to have those incidents investigated and properly resolved through administrative procedures. Reporting incidents of sexual misconduct can help prevent future acts of sexual misconduct from occurring to yourself and others in our community. Formal reporting means that only people who need to know in order to support you will be informed, and information will be shared only as necessary with investigators, witnesses, and the Responding Party.

You can request to remain confidential and request that the College not pursue an investigation. In these situations, the College will balance your request with its responsibility to provide a safe and non-discriminatory environment for all members of the Rollins community. In most cases we will be able to honor your request. However, under compelling circumstances including: evidence of a pattern of repetitive behavior, the use of force or threat of force, or the use of a weapon by the alleged party, the College may conduct further investigation, or take other appropriate measures to ensure the safety of the community.

Sharing information about an incident of sexual misconduct and harassment allows the College to offer interim measures and support services to the affected party. Examples of interim measures include making changes to living arrangements, altering a class schedule, and providing academic support services, however, there are other measures outlined in the Title IX Policy. Not accepting a particular interim measure at the time of reporting does not keep you from being able to request it at a later date.

Title IX prohibits retaliation against individuals who file a report or participate in an investigation in any capacity. Rollins College will take steps to prevent retaliation and will take immediate action if it occurs.

You can file a report with a variety of offices. These include:

  • Title IX Coordinator/Deputy Title IX Coordinator: Both the Title IX Coordinator and Deputy Title IX Coordinators are available to meet with any individual to discuss the options for filing and resolving a report, and offer interim measures to protect safety and well-being, as described in the Title IX Policy. Online reporting is available here:
  • Campus Safety: The opportunity to file a report with the College is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by calling Campus Safety (407.646.2999). Campus Safety can respond to your location to take a report or you can go to the Campus Safety office.
  • Community Standards and Responsibility: An individual can file a report with the College by utilizing the incident report form on the Office of Community Standards and Responsibility’s website at
  • Local Law Enforcement: An individual may file a report with the Winter Park Police Department or other law enforcement agency (depending on the location of the incident). The Title IX Coordinator and Campus Safety can assist you in contacting local law enforcement, however, the College cannot file a police report on your behalf.

Parents: The college will not contact the parents of any student who is over 18 years of age and reports having experienced sexual misconduct or harassment. Likewise, the college will not contact the parents of any student who is accused of engaging in sexual misconduct regardless of age. In both cases, reports of this nature are protected by FERPA.

Medical and mental health professionals will not contact the parents of any student who is over 18 years of age and reports having experienced sexual misconduct or harassment - reports of this nature are protected by HIPAA.

However, if a student reporting sexual misconduct is under 18 years of age, the individual is considered a minor under Florida state law and the College is obligated to report the known information to the Florida Child Abuse Hotline and must contact the parents of the student. Every effort will be made to coordinate this notification obligations with the student’s awareness/involvement.